Crime and Mental Health Law in New South Wales, 3rd edition

A practical guide to the law on mental health issues that arise within the criminal justice framework in New South Wales

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Book: Paperback
AUD$ 265.00
In Stock ISBN: 9780409347449
eBook: ePub
AUD$ 265.00
In Stock ISBN: 9780409347456

Crime and Mental Health Law in New South Wales, 3rd edition is a practical guide to the law on mental health issues that arise within the criminal justice framework in New South Wales. It offers comprehensive coverage and clear explanations of all of the important topics in this field and is an ideal resource for lawyers, mental health professionals, correctional health personnel, and anyone else engaged in the fields of criminal law and forensic mental health, or students with an interest in pursuing studies or a career in these areas.


  • Practical guidance for practitioners
  • Expert authors
  • Coverage of developments in legislation and case law

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